Размер страницы в Incopy и Indesign отличается

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Обе программы версии CC
В индизайне размер страницы 130*200
В инкопи размер страницы Letter в английской и А4 в русской версии

Мне казалось что инкопи должен подхватывать размер из индиза, или я ошибаюсь?

Может в настройках надо что-то поменять?

Тексты экспортировал из индизайна (all stories)


I wish I was a monster you think I am
15 лет на форуме
17 344
7 880
Открываете indd или стори для инкопи?


Открываете indd или стори для инкопи?
если открываю indd, то размер страницы такой же, но текст там не редактируется
если открывать файлы экспортированные для инкопи, то текст редактируется, но размер страницы другой


I wish I was a monster you think I am
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7 880


I wish I was a monster you think I am
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F1 совсем не жмётся?


I wish I was a monster you think I am
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Начнем с того что это возможно:
Open InDesign documents that have linked InCopy files

To see all page items in the context of an entire layout, InCopy users can open and edit an InDesign document in InCopy. This approach can be useful for editing and copyfitting if seeing the overall layout is important, or for editing most of the stories in a document rather than a few. After the InCopy user edits the stories, the InDesign user can then update the links to the modified files. If the InDesign user changes the layout, the InCopy user is notified when the InDesign document is saved.
  • Спасибо
Реакции: Linxy и prost


I wish I was a monster you think I am
15 лет на форуме
17 344
7 880
Продолжим по простому: выделить фрейм, который хочется редактировать в инкопи, пр.кнопка мыши - incopy - экпортировать как файл инкопи.

Если же таких фреймов много, то создавайте "подборку".

Exporting content from InDesign

Exporting content from InDesign to InCopy establishes a link between the two applications. You export InDesign text frames, graphics frames, and their contents to InCopy using either of two methods:

  • Create a container file (*.icma)—called an assignment—and add related groupings of document items (such as the text and graphics of a story) to the assignment so they can be worked on together. Content within assignments is exported as *.icml files.

  • Export text and graphics frames separately (including placeholder frames) using the Edit > InCopy > Export menu commands. Exported content is saved as *.icml files.

    After content is exported, small icons appear at the top left of exported frames in InDesign and InCopy, and in the Assignments panel. A link to the exported file appears in the Links panel. These icons indicate the status of managed frames and they differentiate managed frames from those that aren’t part of the workflow. All exported content appears in the Assignments panel. Content exported using the Export menu commands appears in the Unassigned InCopy Content section of the Assignments panel list. While both methods establish a controlled connection between InCopy content and an InDesign document, the primary method is to use assignment files.

    Exporting content makes the content available for users to check out while maintaining a link to the original InDesign document. (This link is made from within InDesign; you cannot create the link from InCopy.)

    Once the content is exported, InCopy users can see (but not change) the page layouts, styles, and so forth as they appear in the InDesign document.

    Note: You can also create text or anchored graphics using InCopy and then place them in InDesign.
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: Linxy и prost
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